This page has extras that are included on LocuTour CDs. The Rating Forms can be used with all of your clients. The reproducibles are great for playing on the floor with our game boards or making up your own games. We compressed them a bit so the quality isn’t quite as good as on the CD, but you probably won’t notice.
Rating Forms
Rating Forms and Mental Control Charts can be used to prioritize objectives and to track progress over time.
And, Or, But… Following Simple Directions
The reproducibles let you extend the concepts that are taught in the app.
Everyday Language Homework
These reproducibles can be used for learning colors, numbers, and shapes. The are great for board games, sorting, and rapid naming.
Look! Listen! and Learn Language! Reproducibles
Look, Listen, and Learn Langage! uses animals, verbs, and contrasts in many of its games. The files have pictures from the games that you can use to make up your own games or use with our game boards.
Game Boards
These game boards were designed to be used with the reproducibles from Phonology and Look! Listen! and Learn Langage!.
States and Capitals Flash Cards
These flash cards can help you learn the states and capitals.
The Thryomanes IPA font (ThrIPA) is an encoding of the IPA characters so that they can be displayed on web pages and in documents. The NLS Word List will use this font if you have it.