Literacy: “Spelling Test on Friday!”
Learn to spell 1,800 words that good readers must know!

Games on this CD.
“Spelling Test on Friday!” teaches a six-step process--look, listen, say, listen, spell, check--for accurate spelling.
Target Audience: Appropriate for neurotypical children ages K-5th grade, and children and adults having difficulty reading due to problems with with Auditory Processing, Auditory Conceptualization, Central Auditory Processing Disorders (CAPD), TBI, or Stroke.
Literacy: “Spelling Test on Friday!”
by LocuTour Multimedia
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Literacy: “Spelling Test on Friday!” (Windows)
Information for Professionals:
This CD is the third in a series and begins with easy to spell words and progresses to difficult adult level words.
Teachers can choose to hide or display the word list as students practice for the test. Students take each test of 20 words by typing the words in a box. At the end of the test all of the words appear on a proofing page so that the students have a chance to check each word and change it if necessary. The results screen shows the first attempt and the final spelling, with percent correct for both. A clinical log is available to write memory hooks or other reference notes.
Games on this CD.
“Spelling Test on Friday!”

Look, listen, say, listen, spell, check! Practice before taking the spelling test with words hidden or shown.
Students take the test of 20 words by typing words in a box. Words appear on a proofing page to be listened to again and changed if necessary. Results screen shows first entry and final spelling, with percent correct for both. A clinical log is available to write memory hooks or other reference notes.
Match Ups! “Spelling Test on Friday!” Words

The “Spelling Test on Friday!” words are presented in a concentration-like game.
Choose the number of cards that appear on the screen and the difficulty of the words. Students learn to recognize words instantly so that reading becomes effortless! A unique multi-sensory option allows visual to visual, visual to auditory, and auditory to auditory matching of the words.