Artic Games - Just S

Focus on remediating /s/, /z/

Artic Games - Just S

This title is for children to use at home for remediation of just one letter. It contains the Word Practice and What's Different games for practicing the Words, Sounds, Phrases, Sentences, Questions, Answers, and Carrier Phrases that are on the full CD.

Target Audience: Appropriate for ages 3-9 for Articulation, Dialect Reduction, Apraxia, and Dysarthria. Especially helpful for home carryover practice.

Artic Games - Just S

by LocuTour Multimedia
Windows Only

Read the Manual 

Information for Professionals:

Either you have noticed, or a speech pathologist has told you, that your child is having a problem making the S sound. The purpose of this CD is to help you understand how to make the S sound, how to help your child listen for the sound, how to help your child make the correct sound in order to reinforce what the speech pathologist is doing, and to give your child a fun way to do home speech practice.

Artic Games and More has all of the words that you need when treating a variety of clients. It also lets you choose from four different therapy methods. That complexity is useful for a clinician but can be a bit confusing for parents and children working at home. We took away the complexity by focusing on just one letter.

In Word Practice you will see a picture, hear it labeled, record your imitation of the stimulus, and judge the accuracy of your production. You can practice saying the word in context with a short phrase and a sentence. Then listen to a question and answer the question.

In What's Different find three things that are different between the two pictures. Listen to the computer say the target word, then you say it. When you find the differences between the pictures, use words to describe what you see. “I see_____.” Listen to the question and make up your own answer. Say the sounds in the target when you find them all.